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The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) strongly advises the public to deal only through official channels when transacting with the Agency.

Through the indorsement of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), it has come to our attention that a certain “Abegail Rico” claims as an FDA employee and by such representation, acted as an agent to handle a renewal of a License to Operate (LTO) for a fee.

Notice is given to the public that no “Abegail Rico” is currently employed under any of our offices, and therefore such person is not connected with the FDA.

The FDA is already coordinating with various parties to hold the responsible person liable under the law for any misrepresentation.

In relation to the foregoing incident, all establishments are advised that under no circumstance should they engage the services of entities posing as agents of the FDA to handle their regulatory affairs, other than the Qualified Persons in their employ as declared to the FDA.

The FDA is already simplifying and streamlining its services to help stakeholders comply with regulatory requirements. In case of applications involving LTOs, the service is already available online.

The FDA reminds all establishments to exercise utmost caution in all of their business dealings.

Dissemination of this advisory is hereby requested.
