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The Center for Cosmetics and Household/Urban Hazardous Substances Regulation and Research (CCHUHSRR) is hereby circulating the draft of the attached proposed administrative order, provisionally entitled “Rules and Regulations Governing the Issuance of Authorizations for Toys and Childcare Articles ‘” for comments.

The proposed issuance aims to:

1. Update and align the TCCA regulations with appropriate laws, locally-established standards, and internationally-accepted standards;
2. Institutionalize the Product Notification procedure for toys and childcare articles;
3. Rationalize the issuance of Certificates of Exemption for exempted toys, games, and childcare articles; and,
4. Provide the roles and responsibilities of marketing authorization holders in ensuring the safety, efficacy, and quality of toys and childcare articles throughout the product life cycle.

In view of the foregoing, all concerned stakeholders, including TCCA Manufacturers, Distributors, Traders and other related establishments are requested to submit any comments on the proposed issuance.

All comments are requested to be submitted in MSWord Format via email to [email protected] on or before 15 January 2024 using the attached “Template for Comments”.

Thank you very much.
